About me

Nuria Saura
A little bit about me
- Degree in Psychology
- Master in General Health Psychology
- Master in Teacher Training. Specialty: Educational Guidance
What do I do?
I have been involved (and still am) in many fields. I started as an English teacher and counselor at a Vocational Training Institute and, today, I combine training with individual therapy. For a more serious view I leave you my LinkedIn profile.
And furthermore...
In addition to my training and experience, I am motivated by other less… productive passions? (We'll talk about this later)
I love walking, looking at the sea, playing the guitar, reading, writing, watching movies from all eras and trying new things (especially food)... anyway! I am a person as normal and as different as everyone else: with my knowledge, my fears, my experiences, my desires and passions, everything goes together in the pack!
Now that you know me...
If you have come this far, you already know me a little and perhaps that internal movement has awakened in you that pushes you to self-knowledge, to growth, to ask for help.
What Can I Offer You?
C/ Sol 63, 1º 2ª
08201 Sabadell
Mon-Wed-Fri: 8h-12h
Tue-Thur: 16h-20h
Appointment required
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